I’ve Created a New Blog Called “In The Trenches”

I’ve just created another blog called “In the Trenches: THE Alzheimer’s Support Blog for Caregivers.”  You are welcome to join with us!  Please let your friends know about this if they need a community for Alzheimer’s caregivers.  The more people who participate, the greater the support and blessing for all.


Here’s what I wrote in the Welcome on my new blog:

I am a daughter whose parent is afflicted with Alzheimer’s.  This blog will be a blessing for many. My goal is for this to become our personal respite for those days when we’ve bitten off more than we can chew, or we can’t handle one more thing without bursting.  For those moments where the next straw will actually break the camel’s back, we just need a haven to rest a weary mind and a heavy heart.

I wanted to create this for all of you out there who need a place to just let it all hang out, myself included.  I encourage you to write in and leave comments, stay tuned, be touched, and watch our conversations flow.  You are not alone!

I don’t know who you are or where you are from, but I do know the path you are on — the same path millions of us are on.  We put so much love, compassion, time, and energy into the care and understanding of this disease that I’ve decided it’s time for us to have a place where we can be ourselves and share.

I hope and pray this finds your heart, as it did mine.  Here’s to the renewal of our spirits and solace for our souls.  God bless us all, everyone!

© 2012 Julie Hall

This Part of Life Doesn’t Come With An Instruction Manual

I fell to pieces last night … literally an unrecognizable, weepy being frozen in my bathroom.  My husband heard my sobs over his ever-increasing TV volume and shoot ’em up Army movie, so I must have really let it all hang out.  To his credit and excellent nature, he came to comfort me without saying a word, understanding the pain inflicted on this lovely family.

I always thought I was incredibly strong, but when the realization hits that you are helpless against a loved one’s disease, there is no pain quite like it.

My dad is battling Alzheimer’s and he is losing.  I can see it now and the heartbreak is almost more than I can bear.  He answers the door when the telephone rings, pushes buttons on the telephone to lower the volume on the TV, and just fell last week and broke his nose.  There’s more, but I won’t bore you.  Dad is still exceptionally conversational and cares for himself very well.  He’ll talk on virtually any topic, but politics and gardening seem to be his favorites.

Recently, for what seemed like an eternity but only took a few seconds in reality, he forgot that I was his daughter.  Then a moment later, he caught himself.  That is the first time that ever happened.  I somehow managed to keep a poker face only through the grace of God, I’m sure, then managed to walk out to my car where I promptly called my brother and let it all hang out again.

I am not complaining.  I am hurting.  I hurt for dad who never deserved this horrid affliction.  I hurt for him because he is in the stage where he knows something is amiss; it seems like a hellish limbo to me.  Truth be known, I hurt for all the people out there that have this disease, and for all of us that are dealing with it on a daily basis.  “It must be the work of the devil,” I told my husband.  “He must be in such a lonely place.”

On the one hand, I praise the doctors for knowing as much as they do and helping as much as they can.  On the other hand, I curse them because they don’t know enough.  My mom made her exit from life rapidly, and I am seeing what a blessing that was.

As with anything negative, it is the wise who will turn it into something positive.  Because of this life experience, I can now add another dimension to my work as The Estate Lady: assisting my clients who are also dealing with this same issue.  I can most definitely relate, and now I can comfort them too.  It has long been said that in comforting others, you also will be comforted.  I certainly hope so.  I feel another book coming on.  I’m open to title suggestions ….

© 2012 Julie Hall